Nueva serie…
Te esperamos cada domingo a las 11:00am. ¡No querrás perdértelo!
Pascua // 31 de marzo // 11:00am
Tercer domingo del mes // 11:00am
Haz puesto tu fé en Cristo Jesus pero no te haz bautizado aún, ésta es tu oportunidad de dar ese paso de obediencia durante uno de nuestros servicio. Comunícate con Hno. Joe Arana (512) 528-1040

Bootcamp / Backyard Bible Clubs
The goal of this summer is to equip students as future leaders and confidently share the gospel with the community around them. We are seeking the Life Change of Salvation and the Life Change of Transformation in our students and the families in our community.
We need YOU in order to see the Vision of our church lived out this summer.

Concert of Prayer
Bootcamp / Backyard Bible Clubs begin with this special night of prayer. Everyone is invited to worship and pray with us as we ask God to use us during these summer activities. Childcare will be available!
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.

Family Gathering
Join us for our Family Gathering where we'll provide updates on our church-wide leadership plan, building progress, and the latest on our plans to take the good news of Jesus into our community through our Backyard Bible Clubs and XA (Extreme Adventure)! There will be plenty of Q&A as well. Livestream will be available with a chat box to ask questions.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.

Prayer Night
Join us for this month's prayer night as we combine prayer with worship and the Scriptures. We will spend devoted time in prayer for our leadership, our church family and our city.

Celebrate Peter's Life
The Horn family invites you to join them in a Celebration of Life for Peter Horn
Service at Hill Country Bible Church, Austin
12124 Ranch Rd 620 N, Austin, TX 78750
Friday, May 7th at 1:00 pm
Reception following at Hill Country Bible Church Leander
11880 Hero Way W #600, Leander, TX 78641
*Service will be live-streamed for Peter's friends in India and in other parts of the country.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.

Child Dedication Class
We are so excited for our Child Dedication this year on Mother's Day, May 9.
In order to be a part of our child dedication on Mother's Day we ask that you first attend our Child Dedication Class on April 18 so that we can begin to partner with you in the first steps towards discipleship of your children. Lunch will be provided
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.

College Retreat
The theme of this year’s retreat is Following Jesus.
A group of College Students and Young Adults will be spending a weekend at Eagle's Wings Retreat Center focusing on worship, community, and spiritual growth.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.

Easter Sunday
Celebrate Jesus's resurrection this Easter Sunday at one of our three service times in-person or online. In-person services at 8am, 9:15am & 10:45am. Online at 9:15am. Save Your Spot Today!
Kids Ministry for birth - 5th grade at 9:15am and 10:45am EASTER SUNDAY ONLY

Good Friday Prayer Night
We encourage you to start your Easter celebration with us on Good Friday by joining us as we spend time reflecting on Jesusʼ ultimate sacrifice, listening to his Word and praying.
Join us at 6pm or 7pm for our bilingual prayer time.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.

Membership Seminar
Want to know what it means to be a member of Hill Country Bible Church Leander? Sign up to learn more about becoming a member of our church family and see how God is calling you to participate.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.

K-5 Classes Reopen
K-5 classes are reopening on March 7th during our 10:45am service! Registration will be available starting Monday the 1st so mark your calendar to save your seat. There is limited capacity in each classroom. Visit the link below to learn more about our Kids Ministry and to view our Covid Procedures Guide.

Gospel Conversation Training II
If you have completed Gospel Conversation Training 1 and want to practice the next steps on what to do when someone makes a decision to follow Jesus, then come join us for GCT II
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.

Prayer Night
Set aside this evening for devoted time in prayer at this month's Prayer Night as we combine prayer with worship and the Scriptures. Regular Sunday practice of social distancing and mask-wearing will be observed.

Beginnings: A Women’s Study of Genesis Part II
Whether you joined us in the Fall or are new to our study we'd love to have you join us as we continue our study of Genesis. We have both 'in person' groups and virtual groups meeting all week long.
Mesa de Amor
Our goal as we build our new church facility on San Gabriel Pkwy is to show those building it the love of Jesus each week. Sign up to help provide breakfast tacos, fruit and bottled water on Friday mornings for the duration of the build. Those fluent in Spanish (especially men) please join us to speak with the workers as we provide their breakfast.

Beginning Jan 12th Tuesday Nights 7-8:30pm
Re engage is a marriage enrichment program; whether you're struggling to get along, have broken relationships, or simply want to grow closer together, marriages in any condition can benefit.